電 話:0769-23616518
手 機(jī):15916742378
Q Q: 2853791764
郵 箱:atxchina@yeah.net
大客戶及海外營銷中心 :
Contact information:
Line: +86-769-23611800
Telephone: 13790601798
E-mail: 373022259@qq.com
Our company started in 2006 at Henny Fakkel ’s eurobakery in beijing and Henny was born in Holland and out of his passion to design fun and delicious bread, cakes and desserts.
By growing the business through local customers and expats and using his passion for detail to ensure every cake was perfect, Henny’s skill and flair meant the successful business soon grew and is now based in four busy shops in Beijing where our order books are full of cakes for weddings, corporate events, birthdays, anniversaries and christenings.